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What is a Community of Practice (CoP)?

A Community of Practice (CoP) methodology refers to a collaborative learning framework where individuals with a common interest or professional practice come together to:

  • Share knowledge
  • Learn from each other and
  • Develop their expertise through regular interaction

This approach is characterized by three core elements: 

  • A shared domain of interest
  • A community that engages in joint activities and discussions and
  • A practice developed through shared resources and experiences

CoPs are dynamic and evolve over time, fostering a participatory culture of learning and knowledge sharing among members, thereby enhancing skills and understanding in a specific domain.

What's the purpose?

To develop members' capabilities; to build and  exchange knowledge

Who belongs?

Members who select themselves 

Who holds it together?

Passion, commitment, and identification, with the group's expertise

How long does it last?

As long as there is an interest in maintaining the group

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